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Правозащитная деятельность ООН

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influences the decrease of legal culture.


After the Second World war under the influence of the facts of mutual

abuse of human rights the general recognition was received by

the concept of necessity of the international cooperation in

this sphere. In item 3 of article 1 of The UNO Constitution it was

proclaimed that one of the UNO tasks is realization of joint

activity of the state members. This activity is directed to

the human rights be respected and adhered by all,

irrespective of race, sex, language and religion.

According to this item Ukraine as one of the UNO founders has

taken the obligations to act independently or together with other

states in order to achieve a world wide respect of human rights

and their realization. In the Declaration of State Independence

of Ukraine, July 16, 1990 a priority of common to all mankind

values above class values and a priority of conventional norms

of the international legislation above norms of domestic

legislation were confirmed. And by this Ukraine confirms its

readiness to adhere the UNO Constitution. In the Law "On the

Action of International Agreements on the Territory of Ukraine",

December 10, 1991 was established, that signed and properly

ratified by Ukraine international agreements are an integral

part of the legislation of Ukraine and are used in the order,

stipulated for norms of the national legislation. In the basis

of this Law there is recognition of the priority of the common

for all mankind values and the general principles of the

international legislation and will to supply the unviolability

of human rights and freedoms and to join the system of legal

relations between states on the basis of mutual respect of the

state independence and democratic bases of international


The Law "On the Right Inheritance of Ukraine", September 12, 1991

confirmed in article 6 the obligations of our state concerning

international agreements, signed by Ukrainian SSR. The adduced

international acts and the domestic legislation convincingly

prove Ukraine's will to participate actively in UNO work

directed to the protection of human rights.

On the territory of Ukraine this obligation enables each person to

lean for the protection of its rights and freedoms on

international standards produced by UNO, and in case of refusal

of government bodies to protect these rights and freedoms to

address in UNO. Unfortunately such necessity exists, as on apt

expression of the chairman of a the standing Commission on Human

Rights, Protection of Minorities and Refugees of Supreme Council

of Ukraine Mr. Vladimir Butkevich today in our state there is

a crisis of the legal system.

In this case it is necessary to consider a gear of UNO

activity in the field of rights of the person and to define

opportunities for protection of each person.

First of all it should be said, that UNO has defined a sense and

has made a list of human rights which should be observed by all

countries of the world and Ukraine in particular.

Our country, since it has become a member of UNO, actively

participates in the output of main documents, which concern

human rights. Ukraine ratified and has admitted compulsory 14 of

22 major international agreements on human rights, developed

by UNO. At the Second World Conference on Human Rights in Viden

in 1993 delegates from almost all the countries of the world have

admitted, that the main international standards of human rights are

today generated and the main task of UNO is to increase the

efficiency of the gear of international protection of rights of

the person.

Not concretizing the sense of international standards concerning

human rights, which are well investigated by Ukrainian and

Russian scientists (these standards are in published texts of

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948,

International Pact on Economic, Political and Cultural Rights,

December 16, 1966 and in some other documents), it would be

necessary to note, that even the announcement of the state of

emergency can not call restrictions or abuse of the great number

of human rights.

According to article 4 of The International Pact on Civil and

Political Rights in a case of state of the emergency when there is

the heaviest threat to the human rights and freedoms there can not be

abused: the right to life; prohibition of deprivation of freedom

for impossibility to execute contract obligations; prohibition

of providing with the force of return the criminal law; the right

to recognition of the legal capacity of each person; ideological

freedom, freedom of conscience and religion.


Today the international gear of protection of human rights acts

in frameworks of UNO.

The General Assembly of UNO according to article 13 of The UNO

Constitution carries out researches and gives recommendations

concerning fulfillment and respect of human rights. In order to

support this UNO accepts appropriate resolutions on particular

questions of protection of human rights. Though the resolutions

have recommendatory character, member countries, as a rule

execute these recommendations. The General Assembly also accepts

and opens for ratification by countries - members conventions, which fix

international standards of human rights. Economic and Social

Council helps General Assembly in this activity . According to

article 68 of The UNO Constitution two functional commissions

were created - the Human Rights Committee with smaller

Subcomission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of

Minorities and the Commission on Women Status. In the already

mentioned Subcomission there is a representative of Ukraine -

professor Vladimir Butkevich .

The Human Rights Committee is chosen by the Economic and Social

Council from 43 representatives of UNO member countries for 3

years. The representatives of Ukraine many times were chosen

members of the Human Rights Committee considering their active

work in the development of international agreements and other

documents in the field of rights of the person.

The Human Rights Committee is going annually on sessions and

discusses most important questions of international protection

of human rights. Besides development of projects of conventions

for General Assembly of UNO, it investigates the cases of

malicious and mass abuse of human rights.

Only in modern conditions of development UNO and its bodies

have an opportunity to depart from the ideological collisions on

questions of human rights and to begin to consider aspects of

interstate relations as cooperation for achievement of such

great values - rights and freedoms of the person.

Now such conventional bodies act: Committee on Liquidation of

Race Discrimination, created according to the International

Convention on Liquidation of All Forms of Race Discrimination,

December 21, 1965 (since April 7, 1969 Ukraine participates in

this Convention); the Human Rights Committee, created according

to International

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